Browse Items
- "Absence"
- "Address to Kilchurn Castle Upon Loch Awe"
- "Angels of Grief"
- "As You Like It"
- "Despondency Corrected"
- "Edwin and Angelina"
- "Faust"
- "Gerusalemme Liberata"
- "God Soul and World"
- "Green River"
- "Hymn to Adversity" (1782)
- "I Slept and Dreamed that Life was Beauty"
- "Il Penseroso" (1645)
- "L' Aurora"
- "language of flowers"
- "Lovely Young Jessie"
- "Madame Cotin" [Sophie Ristaud Cottin]
- "Man of Ross" [John Kyrle]
- "Manfred"
- "Monument Mountain"
- "Principles and Prudence in Politics: The Friend"
- "pro omnibus vera"
- "She Was a Phantom of Delight"
- "The Death of the Flowers"
- "The Garland of Flora"
- "The Seasons: A Hymn"
- "To the Fringed Gentian"
- "Written In Friars Carse Hermitage"
- 15th century
- 1777
- 1787
- 1826
- 1827
- 1828
- 1829
- 1831
- 1832
- 1833
- 1834
- 1835
- 1836
- 1837
- 1838
- 1839
- 1840
- 1841
- 1842
- 1843
- 1844
- 1845
- 1846
- 1847
- 1848
- 1849
- 1853
- 1856
- 1858
- 2 Corinthians 1:22
- 4th of July
- A Love Token for Children
- A Midsummer Night's Dream
- A New England Tale and Miscellanies
- A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy (1768)
- A Short Essay to Do Good
- A Winter's Tale
- abandonment
- Abbot Lawrence
- abolitionism
- Acts 7.60
- adoption
- Adultery
- Aeolus
- affection
- African American
- Agrippa Hull
- Aladdin
- Aladdin's lamp
- alcoholism
- Alexander Pope
- Alexandria
- All's Well That Ends Well
- allopathy
- almshouse
- Alps
- ambassador
- Ammonoosuck
- Amos Lawrence
- An Essay on Man -Epistle IV
- Andrew Jackson
- Angelica Catalani
- Animal Cruelty
- animals
- Ann Radcliffe
- Anna Matilda
- Annowon
- annuals
- anonymous publication
- anti-slavery
- Antigua
- antiquarian
- antiquities
- Antonio
- Antonio Canova
- Apollo
- aqueduct
- Arabella
- Arabian Nights
- aristocracy
- Armagnac-Burgundian Civil War (1407-1435)
- art
- artisans
- As You Like It
- Ashby de la Zouch
- Atalanta
- Atlantic Souvenir
- auctions
- Auld Robin Gray
- authorship
- Autographs for Freedom
- Autumn
- avarice
- Bacchus
- bachelors
- balding
- ballet
- ballots
- bankruptcy
- Baptist
- Barrington
- Bash Bish falls
- Bash-Pish
- Battle of Morat
- Beach
- Beatrice Cenci
- beauty
- Beauty and the Beast
- Becket
- Bees
- beggars
- belle
- Benedict Arnold
- benevolence
- Benjamin Beddome
- Benjamin Church
- Benjamin Franklin
- Bentley's Miscellany
- Berkshires
- bible
- Birds
- Birnam Woods
- Blackbirds
- blindness
- Bloodhounds
- Blowzabella
- blue stocking
- boarding house
- boarding school
- books
- Boston
- Boston Common
- botany
- bourgeois
- boyhood
- boys
- Boys and Girls' Library
- Braubach Castle
- British colonies
- Broadway
- Brookline
- brothers
- Brutus
- Buffalo
- Byron
- Caliban
- Caliph Abdelrahman
- Calvinism
- camelias
- Canaan Falls
- Canada
- candor
- candour
- Canton
- Cape May
- capital
- capitalism
- captives
- captivity
- Carbonari
- Carisbrook lions
- Carlo Goldoni
- Carlo Pedrotti
- Caroline M. Kirkland
- Carter and Hendee
- Catharine Evans
- Catholic
- Catholicism
- Catholics
- cats
- Catskills
- Celt
- charity
- Charles Dickens
- Charles Follen
- Charles I
- Charles Lamb
- Charles Maurice de Tallyrand
- Charles Samuel Stewart
- Charles VI of France
- Charleston
- Charlotte Corday
- cheerfulness
- Chesapeake Bay
- chicken-heartedness
- Chickering & Sons
- child abuse
- childbirth
- children
- Chimborazo
- China
- Chios
- cholera
- Christ
- Christian love
- Christianity
- Christians
- Christmas
- Christmas tree
- Church Membership
- Cicero
- cigars
- City
- civilization
- class
- class difference
- Clayborne
- clergy
- Clermont Cottage
- Clorinda
- Coliseum
- colonial New England
- colonies
- colored
- Columbian Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine
- coming of age
- coming out
- Comte de Mosloy
- Conjugal virtue
- Connecticut
- conscience
- constancy
- Constantinople
- Consumption
- convention
- conversion
- Corporal Trim
- correspondence
- corruption
- Cotton Mather
- Count de Vaudemont
- Count Louis-Guillaume Otto
- Country
- courtship
- cousin
- covetousness
- Cowes
- Cows
- Creator
- cross-dressing
- Croton Aqueduct
- crucifix
- Curtius
- Cymbeline
- Dame Nature
- dancing
- dandy
- Dante's Inferno
- daughter
- daughters
- deafness
- Death
- death-bed promise
- deathbed
- Declaration of Independence
- deference
- deformity
- Della Crusco
- democracy
- Democrat
- Departures
- Depression
- diligence
- Diogene's lantern
- disguise
- disinterestedness
- Disraeli
- doctors
- Dog Fighting
- Dogs
- Dolph Heilegher
- domestic arts
- domestic duties
- domesticity
- Don Juan Canto II
- Don Quioxte
- donkeys
- Dr. Samuel Johnson
- drowning
- Duke of Burgundy [John the Fearless]
- Duke of Nassau
- Dutch
- duty
- Ecclesiastes 10:8
- Ecclesiastes 9:11
- economics
- Eden
- Edict of Nantes
- Edie Ochiltree
- Edmund Spenser
- education
- Edward Bulwer Lytton
- Egypt
- El Dorado
- elections
- Eleuterio Felice Foresti
- elevation
- Eliza Leslie
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- Elizabeth Freeman
- Elizabeth Fry
- Elizabeth Livingston
- Elizabeth Oakes Smith
- Elk River
- Ellen Sturgis Hooper
- Ellen Tree
- Elysium
- emigration
- Emma F. Alston
- engagement
- England
- English countryside
- Englishmen
- Ephesians 1:13
- Eve
- excess
- execution
- exercise
- exiles
- expiation
- eye-disease
- eyesight
- factionalism
- factory
- fairies
- fairy
- fairy story
- Faith
- Fall
- Falstaff
- family
- farmers
- farming
- fashion
- father
- fathers
- faults
- Federalism
- Female education
- feudalism
- fiction
- Fidelilty
- fidelity
- filial duty
- filial obedience
- filial piety
- financial crisis
- financial loss
- Fincastle coach
- fire insurance stock
- fishing flies
- flowers
- forget-me-nots
- forgiveness
- Fort Putnam
- Fortunatus' cap
- fountains
- France
- Frances Anne Butler
- Frances Wright
- Frankfurt
- frankness
- Frascati
- free will
- freed-woman
- freedom
- French
- Fridolin of Säckingen
- Friendship
- frontier
- funeral
- furnaces
- furniture
- gambling
- gardening
- Geisberg
- gender roles
- General Henry Knox
- generosity
- genius
- gentlemen
- George Crabbe
- George Washington
- German
- Germans
- Germany
- ghosts
- gift book
- gift giving
- giftbooks
- Gilbert Glossing
- Gioachino Rossini
- girlhood
- girls
- girls-work
- Giulia Grisi
- Glen Ellis Fall
- God
- God's will
- Godey's Lady's Book
- Goethe
- Good Samaritan
- Goodness
- governess
- Grace Church
- Graham's Magazine
- grandchildren
- grandparents
- gratitude
- Gravesend
- Greece
- Greek Independence
- Greek Orthodox
- Greenwood Cemetery
- Guido Reni
- guitar
- H. Gally Knight
- Hamlet
- Hannah
- Hannah Cowley
- hardiness
- Harper's New Monthly Magazine
- Harpers
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Harriet Martineau
- Harvard
- Haverstraw Bay
- health
- heaven
- Helicon
- Héloïse
- Henry IV Part I
- herbalist
- heretic
- Hermione
- heroism
- hiking
- Historical fiction
- History of Henry IV Part II
- Hoboken
- homeopathy
- Honesty
- Hong merchants
- Hope Leslie
- Horace Walpole
- hospsitality
- hostages
- hostess
- hotels
- Hottentots
- Houri
- Housatonic
- housekeeping
- Hudson River
- Huguenot
- humane treatment of animals
- humility
- hunting
- Huron
- hurricane
- hydropathy
- Hymen
- hymns
- I Samuel 1
- Ichabod Crane
- illness
- Immigrants
- immigration
- imperturbableness
- incest
- Increase Mather
- indenture
- independence
- Independence Day
- India
- Indians
- individualism
- infidelity
- infidels
- inheritance
- inn
- inns
- inquisition
- intemperance
- inter-racial marriage
- invalid
- investment
- Irish
- Iroquois
- irritableness
- Isaac
- Isabella of Bavaria
- Isaiah 40:8
- Isle of Wight
- Israelite
- Italian
- Italians
- Italy
- Ivanhoe
- J. & J.W. Meeks
- J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Jack Cade
- Jackson meetings
- Jacobin
- Jahconick
- James 4:11
- James Boswell
- James Crichton
- James Thomson (1700-1748)
- Jean Charles Léonard de Sismondi
- Jean de Montagu
- Jesuits
- Jesus
- Jew
- Jewess
- Jews
- Jewsharp
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- John - Duke of Berry
- John 3:8
- John Adams
- John Cotton
- John Endicott
- John Greenleaf Whittier
- John Jacob Astor
- John Kemble
- John MacKenzie
- John Milton
- John Paul Jones (1747-1792)
- John the Baptist
- John Wilson
- Joseph
- Joseph Fourier
- journal
- Judea
- Judges 11:34
- Julia Griffiths
- June
- Juvenile fiction
- juvenile literature
- Juvenile Miscellany
- Kaatskills
- kindness
- King Lear
- King Philip
- King William III
- knitting
- Kursaal Gardens
- La Gitana
- labor
- laborers
- Ladies' Depository
- Lady of Loretto
- lampoons
- laudanum
- Laurence Sterne
- laurestina (tree)
- lawyer
- Lazarus
- Le Misanthrope
- lectures
- letter writing
- letters
- Letters from Abroad
- Letters from an American Farmer
- Libertines
- Libertinism
- liberty of conscience
- Life of Samuel Johnson
- Lisbon
- literacy
- Little John
- Little Nell
- Liverpool blue china
- living in sin
- locket
- loco-foco
- London
- Lord Byron
- Lord Chesterfield
- Lorenzo
- Louis I Duke of Orleans
- Louis Philippe
- Louis XIV
- Louisa C. Tuthill
- Louisiana
- Louvre
- Love
- love poems
- love stories
- Love’s Labour Lost
- lovingness
- Lowell train
- loyalty
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- Luigi Lablache
- Lydia Howard Sigourney
- Lydia Maria Child
- lynch law
- Macbeth
- Madame de Genlis
- Madame de Maintenon
- Madame de Sevigne
- Madame de Stael
- Madame Montespan
- Madame Roland
- madness
- magistrate
- Magnalia Christi Americana
- magnanimity
- magnetism
- Mahomet the Fourth
- maiden aunt
- Major John André
- Malta
- Mammon
- Manchester
- manners
- manufacturing
- manufacuturing
- Maria Edgeworth
- Marie Taglioni
- Marksburg
- Marmaduke Stevenson
- marriage
- marriage market
- married women
- married women's property
- married women's property acts
- Martha
- martyrs
- Mary
- Mary Ann Paton (Mrs. Wood)
- Mary Dyre
- Mary Fisher
- Mary Wollestonecraft
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Bay Colony
- massacre
- maternal death
- Mathew Carey
- May-December romance
- Mayflower
- Means and Ends; or Self-Training
- Measure for Measure
- medicine
- Merchant of Venice
- merchants
- Merrimack
- Mesmerism
- Methodist
- Michel Guillaume Jean de Crèvecœur
- Midas
- midwife
- Mike Lambourne
- mills
- Miranda
- missionaries
- Missouri
- modesty
- Mohammed
- Moliére
- money changers
- Montagues and Capulets
- Montreal
- morals
- Moses
- mother
- mother's rights
- Motherhood
- Mothers
- Mount Hope
- Mount Rhiga
- Mount Rhigi
- Mount Washington
- Mount Webster
- Mrs. Colman
- Mrs. Devon
- Much Ado About Nothing
- mulatto
- Mum-Bett
- Mumbet
- murder
- music
- Muslims
- muteness
- mystery play
- Nancy's Brook
- Napoleon
- Narcissus
- Native Americans
- Natural Bridge
- Nature
- nephew
- New England
- New Hampshire
- New Haven
- New World
- New Year's Day
- New Year's eve
- New York
- New York City
- New York Married Women's Property Act 1848
- New-England
- New-Yorker
- newspapers
- Niagara Falls
- Nick Bottom
- niece
- nobility
- non-fiction
- Normandy
- North
- North American Review
- Norton Anthology of American Literature
- Notre Dame
- old maid
- old women
- Old World
- Ole Bull
- Oliver Cromwell
- Oliver Goldsmith
- omens
- or Affection's Gift
- Oriental
- Orlando
- orphan
- orphans
- Orthodox Church
- orthodoxy
- Ottoman Empire
- Ovid
- Pacha
- Painting
- Panic of 1837
- Paradise Lost
- parenthood
- parents
- Paris
- Park Street Church
- partisan
- party politics
- Pasha
- Patch-work
- patriarchy
- patriotism
- patriots
- pawn broker
- peasants
- Pelew Islands
- Perdita
- persecution
- Peru
- Pets
- Pharisees
- Philadelphia
- philanthropy
- philosopher's stone
- phrenology
- physician
- piano
- Pickwick
- picnic
- picturesque
- piety
- pilgrimage
- Pilgrims
- pious
- Pittsfield
- plague
- plantation
- poetry
- Poitu
- Poland
- Polish
- Polypus Island
- Pope
- Portia
- Portland
- portrait painter
- poverty
- prayer
- predestination
- prejudice
- pride
- priest
- Prince Lee Boo
- Prison
- prison escape
- Procrustes bed
- Prophet
- Prospero
- Protestant
- Protestants
- Proverbs 30:24
- Providence
- Psalm 103
- Psalm 23
- pseudonym
- public art
- public assistance
- public education
- public execution
- Puritans
- Pyramus and Thisbe
- Quakers
- Queen Anne
- Queen Bertha's tomb
- Queen Mary II
- quilts
- Race
- railcar
- railroad
- reading
- reason
- Rebecca
- Redwood: A Tale
- refinement
- Relics
- religion
- religious persecution
- Religious Society of Friends
- repudiation
- resolution
- restaurants
- Rev. Thomas Parnell
- revelation
- revenge
- revolution
- Revolutionary War
- Rhine
- Rhode Island
- rickets
- robbery
- Robert Burns
- Robert Chambers
- Robert Livingston
- Robert Merry
- Robin Hood
- robins
- Rockaway
- Rodomontade novels
- Romaika
- Roman Catholic
- Romance
- Romance novels
- Rome
- Romeo and Juliet
- Rosalind
- Rosinante
- rowing
- rural life
- Ryson
- Sabbath
- sacred cow
- sacrifice
- sailing
- sailors
- saint
- Salisbury
- Samaritans
- Samuel Daniel
- Samuel G. Goodrich
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- Sancho Panza
- Sandwich Islands
- Sarah Chevers
- Sarah Josepha Hale
- Saratoga
- Sartain's Union Magazine
- Satan
- savagery
- Saxon
- scaffold
- Schaffhausen
- school
- Schwalbach
- Scios
- sculpture
- Scylla and Charybdis
- second wives
- secrets
- Seged
- self reliance
- self-sacrifice
- Seneca tribe
- sentimentality
- servant
- servants
- service
- sewing
- Shakers
- Shakespeare
- shame
- shanty
- Shay's Rebellion
- Sheffield
- Sheherazade
- ship wreck
- Ships
- shipwreck
- shooting
- shopkeeper
- Shylock
- Siblings
- simplicity
- single life
- singlehood
- Sir Oracle
- Sir Toby Blech
- Sir Walter Scott
- sisters
- skepticism
- Sketching
- slave-owners
- slavery
- slaves
- Smyrna
- snow
- social reading
- society
- Society in America
- Society of Friends
- soirees
- Soninberg
- sonnets
- sons
- South Carolina
- Southern Literary Messenger
- Southerners
- Southey
- speculation
- Spielberg fortress
- spinster
- spirit
- Spring
- spy
- squirrels
- St. Beatus
- St. Clair
- St. Kitts
- St. Paul
- St. Therese
- stage-coach
- star-spangled banner
- Staten Island
- step-mother
- stock market
- Stockbridge
- Stories for Young Persons
- Storm
- sublime
- submission
- suffering
- suicide
- sultan
- Summer
- summer resorts
- Surrender of General Burgoyne
- Sweet Spring
- swimming
- Swiss peasants
- Switzerland
- sympathy
- Sysyphus
- Table Rock
- tableau vivant
- Tadeusz Kościuszko
- Tales and Sketches
- Tales and Sketches - First Series
- Tales and Sketches - Second Series
- Tales and Sketches -First Series
- Tales and Sketches (First Series)
- Tasso
- Tauconnuc
- Taunus Hills
- teacher
- teaching
- tears
- temperance
- temperance pledge
- tempest
- Temple
- Temptation
- Ten Commandments
- tenderness
- tenement
- Tennessee
- Thames River
- The 1835 Great Fire of New York
- The Age of Reason (1794)
- The Antiquary (1816)
- The Casket
- The Columbian Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine
- The Columbian Magazine
- The Complaint of Rosamund
- The Evergreen
- The Fairie Queen
- the five senses
- The Garland
- The Gem of the Season
- The Gift
- The Heart of Midlothian
- The Heir of Redcliffe
- The Hesperian
- The Jewel
- the Kaatskills
- the language of flowers
- The Legendary
- The Magnolia
- The Mayflower
- The Merchant of Venice
- The Metropolitan
- The Mirror of Life
- The Offering
- The Pearl
- The Pirate
- the Prodigal Son
- the Pulaski
- The Religious Souvenir
- The Rover
- The Task -- Book I: The Sofa
- The Tempest
- The Token
- The Token and Atlantic Souvenir
- the unconscious
- The United States Democratic Review
- The Youth's Keepsake
- Theodore Sedgwick
- Theseus
- Thomas Campbell
- Thomas Carlyle
- Thomas Cole
- Thomas Gray
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Paine
- Tories
- Torquato Tasso
- torture rack
- Touchstone
- tourism
- traditions
- Tragedy
- transcendentalism
- Travel
- travel writing
- Tristam Shandy
- truth
- Turks
- Tusculum
- Twelfth Night
- unbelief
- uncle
- Uncle Toby
- Uncle Tom's Cabin
- Unitarian
- United States
- United States Magazine and Democratic Review
- urban life
- Utawa
- Vacation
- Valentina Visconti (Duchess of Orleans)
- vanishing race
- Vermont
- Vespers
- Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
- village life
- Vincenzo Bellini
- Virgil
- Virginia
- virtue
- virtuous poor
- vision
- visiting
- vocation
- Voltaire
- Vow
- Wall Street
- waltzing
- war
- Washington Irving
- waterfalls
- watering-places
- Waterloo
- Waverley
- wells
- West
- West Indies
- West Point
- Whigs
- whirling
- White Lady of Avenel
- White Mountains
- widow
- widowers
- widows
- Wiesbaden
- Wildlife
- William Cowper
- William Cullen Bryant
- William Dyre
- William John Burchell
- William Robinson
- William Sewell
- William Wordsworth
- Williams College
- women and work
- women writers
- women's rights
- Wordsworth
- working class
- writing
- Xantippes
- Youth's Instructer and Sabbath School and Bible Class Assistant