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Romance in Real Life
Tags: 1777, 1787, 1827, 1839, adoption, Alexander Pope, ambassador, An Essay on Man -Epistle IV, Anna Matilda, As You Like It, Auld Robin Gray, boarding school, Boston, Catskills, class, Comte de Mosloy, constancy, Count Louis-Guillaume Otto, courtship, Death, Della Crusco, disguise, Dogs, Elizabeth Livingston, engagement, France, French, Friendship, General Henry Knox, guitar, Hannah, Hannah Cowley, Hudson River, Huguenot, Hymen, I Samuel 1, inn, J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur, Jewsharp, Lady of Loretto, Le Misanthrope, letters, Letters from an American Farmer, Lisbon, locket, Lorenzo, Love, Love’s Labour Lost, marriage, Massachusetts, Michel Guillaume Jean de Crèvecœur, Moliére, Mothers, music, New York, nobility, Normandy, Orlando, Paris, portrait painter, Providence, Revolutionary War, Robert Livingston, Robert Merry, Romance, Samuel Daniel, Saxon, Shakespeare, shipwreck, sonnets, spy, Tales and Sketches (First Series), Tauconnuc, The Complaint of Rosamund, The Garland, The Legendary, United States, Xantippes
Full Thirty
Tags: 1836, As You Like It, bachelors, boarding house, camelias, class, coming out, Cymbeline, fashion, Female education, fire insurance stock, Grace Church, Harpers, heroism, King Lear, Ladies' Depository, marriage, May-December romance, Much Ado About Nothing, New York City, Pyramus and Thisbe, self reliance, Shakespeare, society, The 1835 Great Fire of New York, The Tempest, The Token and Atlantic Souvenir, the unconscious, Wall Street, women and work
Varieties of Social Life in New York
Tags: "Lovely Young Jessie", 1846, Antonio Canova, China, class, Columbian Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine, domestic arts, education, fashion, hospsitality, hostess, India, Joseph Fourier, Lord Chesterfield, manners, missionaries, New York City, Ole Bull, Paris, Quakers, Robert Burns, Robert Chambers, sculpture, Scylla and Charybdis, Society of Friends, soirees, The Gem of the Season, transcendentalism, Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, Wall Street, West Indies