Browse Items (6 total)
- Tags: bible
Matty Gore
Tags: "Despondency Corrected", 1839, 1840, bible, brothers, Buffalo, conversion, correspondence, daughters, Death, duty, Faith, farming, fathers, filial obedience, forgiveness, Frances Wright, frontier, God, housekeeping, illness, independence, lectures, letters, living in sin, Lydia Howard Sigourney, marriage, New York City, newspapers, parenthood, railroad, religion, robbery, suicide, The Religious Souvenir, William Wordsworth, women's rights
Straggling Excerpts from a Journal Kept in Switzerland
Tags: "Manfred", 1848, Alps, aristocracy, Battle of Morat, bible, Caroline M. Kirkland, children, class difference, doctors, Englishmen, forget-me-nots, Hamlet, John Kemble, Lord Byron, Madame de Stael, marriage, married women's property, medicine, mother's rights, Nature, Queen Bertha's tomb, rural life, Sartain's Union Magazine, St. Beatus, St. Paul, Swiss peasants, Switzerland, Thomas Campbell, tourism, Travel
Our Robins
Tags: 1838, A Love Token for Children, Animal Cruelty, bible, botany, children, Christ, Death, flowers, God, housekeeping, Lord Byron, Mothers, Napoleon, Narcissus, orphans, robins, shooting