Browse Items (10 total)
- Tags: religion
Eighteen Hundred Thirty-Eight's Farewell
Tags: "language of flowers", "pro omnibus vera", "The Garland of Flora", 1840, affection, candor, candour, chicken-heartedness, Christmas, Christmas tree, conscience, deference, diligence, disinterestedness, elevation, faults, fidelity, flowers, frankness, generosity, ghosts, girlhood, girls, gratitude, hardiness, humility, imperturbableness, irritableness, Juvenile fiction, lovingness, magnanimity, modesty, New Year's Day, New Year's eve, old women, refinement, religion, resolution, school, secrets, simplicity, Stories for Young Persons, tenderness, truth, virtue
Christian Charity
Tags: 1828, A Short Essay to Do Good, African American, Baptist, Benjamin Beddome, Benjamin Franklin, Boston, Calvinism, Catholic, charity, Charles Samuel Stewart, Christianity, colored, Death, girls, Irish, James 4:11, Jesus, Jews, Juvenile fiction, missionaries, orthodoxy, Park Street Church, Pharisees, prejudice, Psalm 23, religion, Samaritans, Sandwich Islands, Unitarian
Matty Gore
Tags: "Despondency Corrected", 1839, 1840, bible, brothers, Buffalo, conversion, correspondence, daughters, Death, duty, Faith, farming, fathers, filial obedience, forgiveness, Frances Wright, frontier, God, housekeeping, illness, independence, lectures, letters, living in sin, Lydia Howard Sigourney, marriage, New York City, newspapers, parenthood, railroad, religion, robbery, suicide, The Religious Souvenir, William Wordsworth, women's rights
Tags: "Absence", "Angels of Grief", "I Slept and Dreamed that Life was Beauty", 1847, allopathy, duty, Ellen Sturgis Hooper, Frances Anne Butler, gift book, homeopathy, hurricane, hydropathy, hymns, invalid, Israelite, John Greenleaf Whittier, John Milton, Louisa C. Tuthill, marriage, Paradise Lost, patriarchy, Providence, religion, ship wreck, tempest, The Mirror of Life, widows
The Magic Lamp
The Bridal Ring
Imelda of Bologna
"The Irish Girl"
Tags: 1842, Becket, Catholics, crucifix, drowning, God, Immigrants, Irish, orphan, Pittsfield, prejudice, Protestants, Providence, railroad, religion, servant, shanty, snow, The United States Democratic Review, widow
"Mary Smith"
Tags: Consumption, Country, Fall, Juvenile Miscellany, Nature, New York, religion, tears