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- Tags: disguise
Modern Chivalry
Tags: 1826, A Winter's Tale, Antigua, Atlantic Souvenir, Bacchus, British colonies, Canton, Cape May, Catholic, Chesapeake Bay, China, Cowes, cross-dressing, disguise, Dolph Heilegher, Don Juan Canto II, Ecclesiastes 9:11, Elk River, England, Gravesend, Haverstraw Bay, Henry IV Part I, Hermione, Historical fiction, Hong merchants, Hudson River, indenture, Isle of Wight, John Paul Jones (1747-1792), Lord Byron, Maryland, Oliver Goldsmith, Pasha, Perdita, Philadelphia, plantation, Pope, Redwood: A Tale, Revolutionary War, Rodomontade novels, Romance novels, sailing, sailors, sentimentality, servants, Shakespeare, shipwreck, Sir Oracle, Sir Toby Blech, Sir Walter Scott, slavery, St. Kitts, Storm, tears, Thames River, The Heart of Midlothian, The Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night, Washington Irving, West Indies
Romance in Real Life
Tags: 1777, 1787, 1827, 1839, adoption, Alexander Pope, ambassador, An Essay on Man -Epistle IV, Anna Matilda, As You Like It, Auld Robin Gray, boarding school, Boston, Catskills, class, Comte de Mosloy, constancy, Count Louis-Guillaume Otto, courtship, Death, Della Crusco, disguise, Dogs, Elizabeth Livingston, engagement, France, French, Friendship, General Henry Knox, guitar, Hannah, Hannah Cowley, Hudson River, Huguenot, Hymen, I Samuel 1, inn, J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur, Jewsharp, Lady of Loretto, Le Misanthrope, letters, Letters from an American Farmer, Lisbon, locket, Lorenzo, Love, Love’s Labour Lost, marriage, Massachusetts, Michel Guillaume Jean de Crèvecœur, Moliére, Mothers, music, New York, nobility, Normandy, Orlando, Paris, portrait painter, Providence, Revolutionary War, Robert Livingston, Robert Merry, Romance, Samuel Daniel, Saxon, Shakespeare, shipwreck, sonnets, spy, Tales and Sketches (First Series), Tauconnuc, The Complaint of Rosamund, The Garland, The Legendary, United States, Xantippes