Browse Items (8 total)
- Tags: letters
Second Thoughts Best
Tags: "Address to Kilchurn Castle Upon Loch Awe", "Faust", "Principles and Prudence in Politics: The Friend", "She Was a Phantom of Delight", "The Seasons: A Hymn", 1839, 1840, 2 Corinthians 1:22, All's Well That Ends Well, Apollo, Ashby de la Zouch, bankruptcy, belle, Charles Maurice de Tallyrand, courtship, Death, Democrat, duty, El Dorado, engagement, Ephesians 1:13, factionalism, Isaiah 40:8, Ivanhoe, James Thomson (1700-1748), Jewess, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, John 3:8, John Milton, letters, loco-foco, Louvre, Love, Mammon, marriage, Measure for Measure, Oliver Goldsmith, Paradise Lost, party politics, phrenology, Procrustes bed, Samuel G. Goodrich, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott, speculation, sultan, tableau vivant, The Token, Tories, Whigs, widows, William Wordsworth
A Reminiscence of Federalism
Tags: "Hymn to Adversity" (1782), "Il Penseroso" (1645), 1833, 1834, A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy (1768), Acts 7.60, Angelica Catalani, anonymous publication, aristocracy, As You Like It, ballots, Beauty and the Beast, Chimborazo, clergy, coming of age, Cotton Mather, courtship, Curtius, Death, death-bed promise, Democrat, Edie Ochiltree, elections, Federalism, Gioachino Rossini, Helicon, herbalist, Increase Mather, inheritance, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jacobin, Jews, John Adams, John Cotton, John Milton, Judges 11:34, lampoons, Laurence Sterne, lawyer, letters, Love, marriage, New England, newspapers, Norton Anthology of American Literature, Paradise Lost, partisan, pseudonym, Puritans, second wives, Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott, sisters, Southerners, spinster, Tales and Sketches -First Series, The Age of Reason (1794), The Antiquary (1816), The Token, Thomas Gray, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Tristam Shandy, Uncle Toby, Vermont, Virgil, widowers, William Cullen Bryant
Romance in Real Life
Tags: 1777, 1787, 1827, 1839, adoption, Alexander Pope, ambassador, An Essay on Man -Epistle IV, Anna Matilda, As You Like It, Auld Robin Gray, boarding school, Boston, Catskills, class, Comte de Mosloy, constancy, Count Louis-Guillaume Otto, courtship, Death, Della Crusco, disguise, Dogs, Elizabeth Livingston, engagement, France, French, Friendship, General Henry Knox, guitar, Hannah, Hannah Cowley, Hudson River, Huguenot, Hymen, I Samuel 1, inn, J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur, Jewsharp, Lady of Loretto, Le Misanthrope, letters, Letters from an American Farmer, Lisbon, locket, Lorenzo, Love, Love’s Labour Lost, marriage, Massachusetts, Michel Guillaume Jean de Crèvecœur, Moliére, Mothers, music, New York, nobility, Normandy, Orlando, Paris, portrait painter, Providence, Revolutionary War, Robert Livingston, Robert Merry, Romance, Samuel Daniel, Saxon, Shakespeare, shipwreck, sonnets, spy, Tales and Sketches (First Series), Tauconnuc, The Complaint of Rosamund, The Garland, The Legendary, United States, Xantippes
The Ballet: An American Lady's Opinion of the Opera
The Beauty of Soninberg. A Letter from Wiesbaden.
Tags: "God Soul and World", 1840, aqueduct, artisans, As You Like It, beauty, blindness, Carisbrook lions, Dogs, donkeys, Duke of Nassau, eye-disease, Falstaff, filial piety, Frankfurt, Geisberg, Germany, Goethe, Héloïse, Isaac, Kursaal Gardens, letters, Marksburg, Mothers, New York, old maid, Old World, peasants, Rebecca, Rhine, Schwalbach, servant, Shakespeare, Soninberg, Taunus Hills, The Evergreen, Thomas Cole, tourism, Travel, wells, Wiesbaden
Matty Gore
Tags: "Despondency Corrected", 1839, 1840, bible, brothers, Buffalo, conversion, correspondence, daughters, Death, duty, Faith, farming, fathers, filial obedience, forgiveness, Frances Wright, frontier, God, housekeeping, illness, independence, lectures, letters, living in sin, Lydia Howard Sigourney, marriage, New York City, newspapers, parenthood, railroad, religion, robbery, suicide, The Religious Souvenir, William Wordsworth, women's rights
The Good Son
Country Pleasures
Tags: "The Death of the Flowers", "To the Fringed Gentian", Arabian Nights, Bees, Blackbirds, Caliph Abdelrahman, cats, Country, Depression, Dogs, Hoboken, Juvenile fiction, Juvenile Miscellany, letters, Little John, Massachusetts, New York City, Painting, poetry, Robin Hood, Rockaway, Sketching, squirrels, Staten Island, Wildlife, William Cullen Bryant