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- Tags: Female education
The Unpresuming Mr. Hudson
Tags: "Edwin and Angelina", 1835, 1836, Andrew Jackson, Atalanta, bachelors, Benjamin Franklin, Carlo Goldoni, Carlo Pedrotti, dancing, daughters, Eliza Leslie, Female education, Fincastle coach, gentlemen, gift book, Hottentots, individualism, Jackson meetings, love poems, manners, marriage market, Mary Ann Paton (Mrs. Wood), modesty, Mothers, Natural Bridge, Oliver Goldsmith, single life, Sir Walter Scott, stage-coach, Sweet Spring, The Gift, Virginia, watering-places
Full Thirty
Tags: 1836, As You Like It, bachelors, boarding house, camelias, class, coming out, Cymbeline, fashion, Female education, fire insurance stock, Grace Church, Harpers, heroism, King Lear, Ladies' Depository, marriage, May-December romance, Much Ado About Nothing, New York City, Pyramus and Thisbe, self reliance, Shakespeare, society, The 1835 Great Fire of New York, The Tempest, The Token and Atlantic Souvenir, the unconscious, Wall Street, women and work