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- Tags: railroad
Matty Gore
Tags: "Despondency Corrected", 1839, 1840, bible, brothers, Buffalo, conversion, correspondence, daughters, Death, duty, Faith, farming, fathers, filial obedience, forgiveness, Frances Wright, frontier, God, housekeeping, illness, independence, lectures, letters, living in sin, Lydia Howard Sigourney, marriage, New York City, newspapers, parenthood, railroad, religion, robbery, suicide, The Religious Souvenir, William Wordsworth, women's rights
An Excursion to Manchester
Tags: 1847, Abbot Lawrence, Amos Lawrence, capitalism, Caroline M. Kirkland, democracy, factory, Harvard, Immigrants, Irish, June, laborers, Lowell train, Manchester, manufacuturing, Massachusetts, Merrimack, Midas, mills, Nature, New Hampshire, Old World, philanthropy, railcar, railroad, Sartain's Union Magazine, Williams College, women and work, working class
The White Hills in October
Tags: 1856, Ammonoosuck, Boston, cigars, daughters, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, fathers, filial piety, German, Glen Ellis Fall, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, hiking, hotels, hunting, immigration, inns, Irish, journal, Love, marriage, Mayflower, Mohammed, Moses, Mount Rhigi, Mount Washington, Mount Webster, Nancy's Brook, Nature, New England, New Hampshire, Pickwick, Portland, Prospero, railroad, restaurants, Rosalind, rowing, Shakespeare, sisters, The Heir of Redcliffe, Theseus, tourism, Travel, waterfalls, White Mountains, Wordsworth
A Day in a Railroad Car
"The Irish Girl"
Tags: 1842, Becket, Catholics, crucifix, drowning, God, Immigrants, Irish, orphan, Pittsfield, prejudice, Protestants, Providence, railroad, religion, servant, shanty, snow, The United States Democratic Review, widow